1.1. Concepts and vises The Syndrome of Asperger (SA), also known as upheaval of Asperger or clutter of Asperger it is a syndrome of autista specter, differentiating itself of the classic autismo for not holding no delay or global retardation in the cognitivo development or of the language of the individual. The validity of the SA diagnosis as distinct condition of the autismo is uncertain, having been proposal its elimination of ' ' Disgnostic and Statistical manual of Mentais' Upheavals; ' (DSM), being casting with the autismo. A SA is more common in the masculine sex of what in the feminine sex. When adult many can live of common form, as any another person who does not possess the syndrome. It has individuals with Asperger that if had become university professors, as Vernon Smith, ' ' Nobel' prize; ' of Economy in 2002. The term ' ' syndrome of Asperger' ' first it was used by Lorna Wing in 1981, in a medical periodical that it intended, in such a way, to homage Hans Asperger, an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatra, whose work was not recognized internationally until the decade of 1990.
However, the syndrome was recognized for the first time in the DSM, its fourth revision, 1994. (DSM-IV). According to CID-10 (2000, P. 369): The syndrome of Asperger is an upheaval of uncertain nosolgica validity, characterized for a qualitative of the reciprocal social interactions, similar alteration to observed in the autismo with a repertoire of interests and the activities restricted, estereotipado and repetitive. It differentiates itself essentially of the autismo for the fact of that retardation or deficiency of language or the cognitivo development is not accompanied by of. The citizens that present this upheaval in general are very disfigured. The anomalies frequent persist in the adolescence and adult age. The upheaval if folloies at the beginning for times of psychotic episodes of the adult age.