The new states will be able to count on new organization, new infrastructure, among others. But, speaking specifically of ' ' state of the Tapajs' ' , the futures tapajoaras will count on well bigger resources of what the ones that are receiving, therefore want the division of the state of tapajs, to multiply the good developments and to subtrairmos the problems found in the state. Unhappyly, it has many people who not yet accept the division for the simple fact not to know so that she serves? So that he is being divided? Many people find that by the simple fact of the division of the state, all the culture conquered for Par until today, also will be divided. What these people need basically is of more information! THE CREATION OF THE STATE OF THE TAPAJS. SMIA OF SOUSA 9 OLIVEIRAS the great territorial extension of Par has been one of the arguments used for a division of this territory and consequent formation of two news states, beyond current Par: Tapajs and Carajs. With the division the regions of the Tapajs and Carajs can perfectly if to develop with its proper resources. Carajs meat exporter, shelters cities mineradores where he acts the Valley and other great mineradoras.
Tapajs, that is the region that has tourism and developed agriculture, beyond some regions with raised potential of mining. They believe that the region of the Tapajs is forgotten by the government. Historically the region north is the edge of the decisions politics of the federal government, Par, as well as Amazon, is the biggest states of the country but inversely the worse ones in questions are considered as human development as: agrarian reform, sanitation, income distribution, and pertaining to school development, had the per capita low income, unproductive concentration of wealth and large states the development in the generality in the region is almost insignificant.