We go to the q interests. The PEC was not voted, but already we waited therefore, nobody found q went to be easy. The fight is arduous and the q matters is q more is joined and fortified of the q never. The leadership of the PT is atravancando the voting of our PEC and, arbitrarily they have this power. All the other leaderships of the house already had been committed to us and desire the voting, but the leader of the PT affirmed with all letters q does not want q it is voted. Measures are being taken to force its voting, the members of the house of representatives had promised to lock the guideline until q the PEC are placed in the same one, but unhappyly Brasilia is far (and this was projected propositalmente in the decade of 50) and the money of our movement is TM little. We did not have as keeping in them nor as to keep the bus, q is carssimo, until obtaining to force the voting. THEREFORE THEY MAKE ITS DONATIONS BANK ITA GAC: 5665 C/P: 23608-8/500 the name of the bearer is Ursula, TM soon will have our personal account therefore ours association is being regulated hj.
We will come back to necessary DF thus q. Although to be few comparative ones to the quantitative one of the CBMERJ, strong, we are made use, optimistical and we are each time well more joined, in addition ours I number does not stop to grow. In the previous trip they were 400, in this we were 700 and in the next one we will be TM more. Friends, the pressure is being made and is in making to notice. We have ample support of the population and soon our governing ones go to have q to yield, only need to continue growing as we are. Now we go to come back to focar here in the River, is TM important to be present in the streets, therefore the people in the apia. p of Christians and Jews might disagree with that approach. They do not leave to have access and always are informed on the next steps. Who not yet has participated or not yet it participated of no act, is strengthenn to participate, vcs do not imagine q force we have when we are together, alone being there to perceive the q this means. This is our differential.