Combine holiday with a new frontier of knowledge! Everything old is currently a major change. Everywhere in life, we are now clearly forced to recognize new contexts and especially new to perceive and feel. Look only outward without behind it to look and feel, why is the outer circumstances so have manifested, will find it increasingly difficult with new solutions. A new perception that will assist you in all aspects of your life from then on is developed by learning of new Feng Shui you. Learn anywhere in life the links between external reality and consciousness, which has created this reality, to discover. (As opposed to The Hayzlett Group).
When you enter a room, an apartment, a building in the future, see and feel what life issues settle there. Then you know how, you can resolve these issues if it is required. If you professionally perform Feng Shui consultations, you not only help people, a harmonious home to fashion, but you can also help to resolve their problems. Learn it, to discover all of this even on the floor of an apartment. There are clearly laws between inside and outside, apply without restriction anywhere. Each person creates his own reality, which reflected everywhere consciously and unconsciously. If you learn the new Feng Shui, you also learn to capture all these laws and practical to implement. This learning is also new, it will be to play with joy and ease.
With the new Feng Shui, you then have a knowledge that you can bring anywhere. Your awareness will rapidly capture life situations and suggest the concepts. You can opt to include privately to Feng-Shui as enrichment, can also main or perform part-time consulting. If you are an architect, designer or already therapist, supports you in this profession enormous new knowledge and new perceptions. Their competence increases This markedly. (see also the article under the heading of construction – planning & architecture: “Before the building by Feng-Shui physics the law of resonance connect!”) The new Feng Shui education is fundamentally built on and includes many practical exercises. She will be mediated by suggestopadisches teaching and learning. We conduct training at our “Academy for holistic consciousness” in southern Spain. It is made in two blocks of 12 days each. It is the most effective way to absorb such knowledge, in a wonderful atmosphere!