Consistently for the children and human rights engage! “Open letter Dear members of the European Parliament, on the occasion of the international day of refugees” on June 20, 2011 we want to alert you for human rights on the SOS campaign. In the fall of 2010 she was launched by eight organizations from the Federal Republic with people from all over the world in the life, for the defence of human rights of refugees both inside and outside the EU’s borders. For the campaign was an appeal of youth without borders”developed in which these young refugees formulated their demands for a fairer Europe-wide policy on refugees. Now SOS is supported for human nationwide rights by over 35 organizations and initiatives. In the framework of the campaign the eponymous mobile play SOS was designed for human rights by the GRIPS Theater Berlin, premiered on 24 November 2010 in the GRIPS in Berlin Center and since then regularly on tour in Germany and Europe goes. On May 31, 2011 it received in the framework of the Austrian Festival spectrum the audience award. Over 6000 spectatorship in over 50 productions have already seen the piece! They advocate together with us human rights and support the demands of the campaign: keep escape routes! Stop the undeclared war against the refugees. Children and human rights implement! Use your function as a public officer, to act in this sense, to change the current refugee policy and to put human rights on the basis of the UN.
Put a strong sign for democracy, by you the appeal of youth without frontiers (see below) public support and introduce in the Parliament. In addition you can sign the petition under following link online like over 2200 Erstunterzeichner_innen: it’s up to you to initiate a change of direction in the European refugee policy as representatives of the peoples of Europe and for humanity and equality in the European Union to provide for refugees. Support the demands of young people without limits! Invite theatre and young people without limits associated with the campaign play of the GRIPS for a better understanding of the situation of the refugees in your constituency and in the European Parliament to discuss the problems and quickly remedy to create! SOS for human Righst is a campaign by: youth without borders GRIPS Theater Berlin, PRO ASYL, borderline, Europe, Berlin Refugee Council, Refugee Council Brandenburg, GEW Berlin information centre for young refugees BBZ – ways in the life e.V. You can also support the campaign with a donation!