“You should know, before you engage an outplacement consultant the term outplacement is composed of the words out” (outside) and placement “(mediation) together and referred to a service that aims to ensure staff is a company separate from wants as quickly as possible to give another company or to assist business start-ups. Behind it stands the reasoning that workers for other employers are more attractive, as long as they are still busy and it is therefore easier for them to find a new job. History of outplacement is native to the United States and was first used by the U.S. Army, to integrate the soldiers returning home after World War II back into civilian professional life and in the society. Only a few years later the psychologists Drake and beam picked up this concept and outplacement consultancy offered also members of other professional groups. Expiration first it comes the affected shock if necessary to help the the separation process and prevent them falling into a hole”. After that, it is important to get a picture as possible of the situation of the client, i.e. to meet not only its strengths and weaknesses, but also the wishes and ideas.
Because not everyone wants to or can work again in same industry or to the same extent. As soon as the objectives are clear, strategies be developed, how this can be achieved. Because applications are necessary, except in the case of a business start-up, also a comprehensive Bewerbungscoaching that handles all aspects of an application process belongs to an outplacement consultancy. Target group outplacement counselling were previously reserved to the management. Meanwhile, they are also simple”offered employees and all departments. Therefore, factors such as level of the hierarchy, need advice and homogeneity of the group above all play a role. IdR get executives a single and professionals rather a group counseling.