In the period of 1928 the 1940, Caringi got its artistic formation in Germany, in the Academy of Beautiful Arts of Munique. There it had lessons with the Herman sculptors Hahn, Hans Stangl and Arno Becker. These three artists had been inheriting of Adolph Hildebrand who if pledged in breaching with the naturalistic tradition of the sculpture of Germany, coming back the study of the old ones, to its laws and rules, searching a new way that led to the artistic inspiration of the world. From this form Hahn it proceeded from the naturalismo and if it applied to search a sculpture, as much in the monumental sculpture how much in the pictures and also in the small sculpture and the medals more plastic. Hans Stangl, that more produced a workmanship balanced between the feeling and the purely plastic one. finally Caringi was monumental plastic pupil in the group of Arno Becker, German sculptor influenced for Rodin, Despiau and Maillol. Between 1926 and 1937, Becker worked in Paris and after that he was requested to work for Hitler, being become the official sculptor of 3 Reich. The three professors had influenced of decisive form its art.
Caringi learned of Hahn to put in relief the characteristics of masculinidade in its exterior aspect, the position, the structure of the members and all the form. Of Stangl, the express sentimentalismo in its workmanship, exactly the monumental one, where the feelings and the emotions are express in the movements, the ample and teatrais gestures and the intimistas pictures but full of emotion. Of Becker, Caringi inherited capacity to express ideology in workmanships discursivas and panfletrias of transport huge and that they served fully to the formative speech of a symbology of the New State and the ideology that dominated the nation until the death of Getlio Vargas, in 1954. It fits to detach that the majority of the workmanships of Antonio Caringi had been consecrated through the participation in competitions.