Similarly, we are obliged to be accountable about the incorporation of rationality in the object same (man) that intend to address scientifically. Among those who preceded Jean Gagnepain, was the one who truly emphasized this reality, Marx for whom, as Marx you know, the story was not the fact of the professional historian (of France, of the art historian, you literature, etc.), but the historian that we all. What had he seen in the background Marx? A theory of man, and as the man was defined, in it, by history, it was necessary to also treat it in a way as scientific as possible, elaborating a historical materialism. Only there, the same way as the semiotics and semiotics, played him a trick to Saussure and ridicule to structuralism (including Levi-Strauss) became a new idealism, also Engels and Feuerbach played the same trick to historical materialism of Marx pulling him, as much as they could, near what was soon called pervasive materialismi.e. the dialectical materialism (the same as Marx, old and tired, ended up leaving), and it was that worth for the entire evolution of the cosmos! Put another way, the materialism dialectic, by a process of dialectic and the culture (i.e. man-made), and by nature, reached comprehensive materialism. Briefly, the dialectical materialism overwhelmed Marx, exactly as structuralism overwhelmed to Saussure. In conclusion, I would like to say a word in my relationship with Jean Gagnepain.
In a general way, I would say that the teacher is not that respect, nor with whom have broken: live from him. Put another way, we never respect the teacher because respect is a sign of death. When I speak of Jean Gagnepain, I do exist. But where am I? To the limit, that doesn’t matter. That is not to say that the memory of Jean Gagnepain isn’t, she herself, worthy of the respect that we owe to a human genius, but we cannot serve, or to me, personally, nor to you, through an intermediary, which in the measured in that Digest, where we do our work. No question, in these conditions, the fact to stop a teacher at that time in history: and it would be beautiful and good to annihilate it, to imitate Sartre.
He added that the teacher, if it is master (which no longer exists in France since a long time ago) has nothing to do with the Professor, but on the contrary! Taken into account when the master Albert, in the middle ages: when master Albert argued with Sorbonne, took his things and went and separated from it, i.e. that it is housed in the place that gave its name in Paris: Maubert square. He settled there and taught their courses outdoor, all followed him. He had charisma, caught the attention of crowds, thought, and made it freely. And well, Jean Gagnepain, if they want to see it this way, is the master Albert de la Ciencia man. They understand in these conditions that his thinking could disturb or indignant, especially to the University environment. Better, if this thought, which I will try to convey to them (Yes (you we make the honour to follow us) the invitation to reflect.