What policy options does an employer in crisis? Which room do you have as an entrepreneur and how use it legally compliant? The free eBook of Pasel Reiff Seifried lawyers answered these and other questions approximately 34,000 corporate insolvencies in 2009 as the Federal Statistical Office. The rise in the unemployment rate was not comparable concern despite the economic crisis. Reason may be the short money (KUG) relevant for this purpose. The short-time money is just one of many options for an entrepreneur to respond to negative economic and business developments in the crisis. Action of the employer in the crisis are E.g. the reduction of overtime, the arrangement of holidays, the introduction of flexible work arrangements.
There is also direct access to the material working conditions into account, such as for example the reduction of pay, bonuses or allowances. What scope do you have as entrepreneurs or Chief of staff? And what is the legal framework in detail? In the free eBook be different Action options displayed how can counteract the crisis. It explains how the respective instrument is implemented in individual contracts and how must be incorporated a possibly existing Works Council or collective provisions observed. The guide can be found here: index.php? id arbeitsrecht_arbeitgeber = more free guides from the labour law: termination: index.php? id ausserordentliche_kuendig =…, annulment contract: index.php? id = cancellation agreement and to maternity and parental leave: index.php? id arbeitsrecht_mutterschutz = labour law in the economic crisis (E.g., involuntary termination, cancellation agreement, severance pay and dismissal procedure): index.php? id = arbeitsrecht_fachanwalt lawyers Pasel Reiff Seifried partnership Thomas Seifried Bohmer 12 60322 Frankfurt am Main Tel: + 49 (69) 915 0 999 – 0