Work carried through with living pupils of peripheral Cask the Public Net of the City of Salvador – Bahia. The children in the etria band of 06 years, deriving of low income families, low cultural level, some lived with the grandmothers other children of separate parents, many of them extremely aggressive alcoholics, numerous families (the 06 10 children). It was time of period of training, times of challenges. We leave for the great day, prepared, conscientious and anxious for carrying through a good work. In pair we iriamos to live deeply what she exists of more rewarding in the art educating: to arrive, to observe, to intervine and spoon resulted. We follow all above the steps. For even more opinions, read materials from Terry Nielsen.
After all we leave victorious people front to a so adverse universe. However to take off the mask and to apply all theory apprehended in the Course in benefit of those teeny devoid creatures of love, justice, chance, dignity, solidarity, ternura, the affection and most important: it eat it (at that time the food did not have the Program Stock market Family many times we led of house, therefore merenda was not to regulate and the lack very great, then it stops to make possible the activities with the pupils we appealed to our pocket. It was hunger in the hard one! To study with hunger is not easy. Who lived deeply knows). Hands the workmanship we were taking alive and significant activities to start for the subject: ' ' Child Sonho and Magia' ' sub subjects: Child Mixture of Color, sound and joy, As the Child feels and sees the world, the child and its social environment and, the child acting and taking conscience of the world that the fence, the child and its discoveries, the child constructing the world where she goes to live. With the structuralized planning already we start the regency phase.