Plastic cluster Oberbergischer circle now has a powerful Internet tool. Hear other arguments on the topic with Rio- Tinto Diamonds. Results of the research project already free in the Web available. The plastics cluster in the oberbergischer circle (see also…) is like many others. The competencies of the 240 companies from the plastics industry are present, but not tangible.” In the framework of a research project, a search engine has arisen now. These so-called vertical search engines”are an addition to the popular search engines. In them, it is easier to achieve regional or highly relevant results.

Here competencies complementary businesses of the region on the doorstep “is available. Now important national universities and institutes related to the plastic and plastic specialist portals also are included in the search engine. The plastic landscape North Rhine-Westphalia and first parts of Germany can be searched. The search engine is still in the testing phase, but on many 100,000 professional Web pages back access. Suggestions and ideas to the Mitmachsuchmaschine”are welcome. How does it work? The search engine technology will bring the information from all specified Web addresses of the cluster. Pdf files (E.g.

product catalogues) and other formats will be picked”. The Web pages are decomposed into individual words. Each word is then mapped to the contact person of the company. About the links of the Web pages (see illustration above left) also relationships between companies can be presented. The system allows a distinction in what places on a homepage is a search term. Bio-plastics in the keywords or page titles of a company occurs, it has probably special skills in the subject. The system updates itself and can compute which new terms in a certain period have surfaced. This can provide important information for trend detection. The lead company Pflitsch, bar log and ONI, the Oberbergische circle, the land of North Rhine-Westphalia, and the EU will finance the project. Is the plastic initiative o mountain e.V. (KIO) professional guide of the process. Dr. Peter Vieregge, project leader of the research project