Yes visit Nogales may verify that there is available a large number of options, both for foreigners and nationals; It has excellent hotels, restaurants, bars, discotheques, doctors, pharmacies, shopping centers, among many establishments more. Livestock strong production is export livestock, especially cattle breeding. Industry the most important economic activity of the municipality of Nogales is the maquiladora industry foreign export, operating a total of 92 establishments of which 65 are installed in 7 industrial parks, which has a plant of 25 thousand 400 workers; currently employing nearly 50 per cent of the total population occupied the municipality. In this municipality are laid down six of the 50 largest companies in the State, mostly in the electronics industry. Trade the municipality boasts a wide variety of commercial establishments, in which first and second necessity items found. Shops and services are primarily supermarkets, grocery, hardware store, furniture stores, shops of curiosities, stores, restaurants, garages, dealers of automobiles, among others, which regularly ensure the slaughter.
Nogales history emerged from the authorization obtained in 1880 the Sonora railway company, looking for a border terminal chose the arroyo de los nogales thus bringing it to a place of the international border of Magdalena district. Subsequently, the federal Government authorized a frontier customs office in the place chosen for the railway terminal. In these times the site was deserted, except for some residents of the ranch from the Elias. Customs employees had need to settle in tents. In November 1882 it was verified the opening of the railway from Sonora, shortly thereafter, Governor Torres ordered the formation of the drawing of a new population and the legal estate project.
The Township was established by local law, on July 9, 1884. He acquired the title of town by Decree of the legislature on July 13, 1889 and the city in 1920. It was the first population of Sonora where the maquiladora industry was established. Products regional Sonoran original author and source of the article.