Interior Minister advice on residence requirements for refugees along with many refugee organizations call for young people without borders: immediate repeal of the residence obligation instead of petty exceptions, as well as full compliance with the rights of the child after the withdrawal of the reservation and all right to stay! Despite the formal recognition of the entire children’s rights through the Bundesrat and Bundestag, remains the long-standing demand for the implementation of children’s rights in the Federal Republic on the basis of the current violation of human rights in Germany. We require to provide the Minister of the Interior and the Netbase on the legal basis for the full implementation of children’s rights and to provide for a full right to remain. Young people without limits and here remained! at the same time meet with the Interior Ministers to a counter Conference in Hamburg. From the press release of the Berlin Refugee Council of the 27.5.10 on 27 and 28 may meet the Interior Ministers of the countries for their Spring Conference in Hamburg. On the agenda is a relaxation Residence requirement. The Brandenburg Interior Minister Rainer Speer has announced a corresponding Federal Council initiative to promote. To worry about however, is that the Minister of the Interior restrict the possibility to set up asylum seekers advanced requirement that districts with the involvement of a neighbouring State. “This could be done through an extension of section 58 of the asylum procedure act: to take account of local conditions, the provincial governments in the agreement can determine together each by regulation that foreigners without permission can temporarily stop in the neighbouring country.” In principle this initiative could keep down but on the residence requirement for asylum-seekers.
Of 61 residence regulated, requirement for tolerated – more than 3/4 of the people affected by the requirement that foreigners with a tolerance – are residence Act the initiative changed nothing. “We hold the unique in Europe residence requirement from the asylum and immigration law it essential, delete”, says Martina Mauer of the Berlin Refugee Council. “A relaxation of the rules in the law on asylum procedures is not enough by far.” Tolerated refugees are affected as asylum seekers as well by the desintegrierenden consequences of the residence obligation. Currently subject to nationwide nearly 200,000 people in the residence requirement, including approximately 88,000 tolerated, 70,000 other GB (de facto acquiescence) and 37,500 asylum seekers (pay v. 31.03.2010, co-ordinate DRS 17/1539).
This enormously, their participation in society is difficult if not completely prevented. “We therefore call on the Interior Ministers of the countries, establishing a Federal Council initiative repeal of 56 AsylVfG and because the tolerated refugees, also the repeal of 61 para 1 sentence 1 has residency to the target”, so wall next. The political situation for an abolition of the requirement that is cheap, because also the Federal FDP has expressed for more freedom of movement for refugees.