The majority of the involved people in the pertaining to school process is worried about the permanence of the pupils in the school. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jeffrey Hayzlett . However, some factors must be analyzed with the intention of improvement of the actions so that let us arrive eradication of the pertaining to school evasion.
The right the education of quality is a guarantee for the children and young that consists in the great law of our country. Infancy and youth, need to be lived as an essential period to the development of its human potential. This article does not have the pretension to elucidate the problems presented here, but yes, to take its readers the reflection presenting to them of form sucinta the educational reality where we are inserted, in the search of ways that instigate in them to walk in direction the solution. 2. THE TESTS AS THREAT FORM AND TORTURE THE PUPIL According to Luckese, in its book Evaluation of the Pertaining to school Learning (2002, pg.
18-19), the professors use the tests as instrument of threat and previous torture of the pupils protesting to be a motivador element of the learning. When the professor feels that its work is not occasioning the waited effect, announces the pupils: ‘ ‘ They study! In case that contrary, vocs they will be able to be given badly in the day of prova’ ‘. When it observes that the pupils they are indisciplinados, is common the use of the expression: ‘ ‘ They are quiet! They give attention! ‘ ‘ The day of the test comes and vocs there summer what acontecer.’ goes; ‘ Such threats transform the day of the test into one day frightful and the emotionally shaken scared pupils already arrive the school and. Its vision of professor, he is not of that facilitates its learning, but of whom he will be able puniz it through the tests, for any error that comet.